Karakteristik dan Aplikasi Selulosa Kulit Jagung Pada Pengembangan Hidrogel

  • Lucky Wahyu Nuzulia Setyaningsih Program Studi Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Sleman 55584
  • Tintin Mutiara Program Studi Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Sleman 55584
  • Clara Yusticia Hapsari Program Studi Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Sleman 55584
  • Nabila Kusumaningtyas Program Studi Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Sleman 55584
  • Haris Munandar Program Studi Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Sleman 55584
  • Romy Jefry Pranata Program Studi Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Sleman 55584


Corn is one of the staple food crops widely consumed by Indonesians, thus has potensial in producing an abundant amount of corn husk waste. Cellulose contained in corn husk is about 44%, so the material has the potential to be source of natural fiber cellulose. The development of hydrogels from natural polymers such as cellulose is very promising especially for biomaterial application. Cellulose fiber was obtained through several stages: dewaxing, pulping, delignification, bleaching and cellulose purification. This study aimed to determine the most effective solvent in cellulose extraction of corn husk, the research carried out with different solvent such as, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)  and hydrocloric acid (HCl). Based on the functional group formed on the analysis of FTIR, shows that the extraction method using H2O2 as solvent can remove hemicellulose and lignin from the cellulose structure and the most white cellulose fiber obtained from the extraction with H2O2 solvent. Cellulose obtained from previous step was used for hydrogel production. The hydrogel showed different absorption capacity depend on temperature and ratio of glutaraldehide to cellulose. The highest water absorption capacity of 250% obtained by hidrogel with ratio 1:2 at 25oC.


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How to Cite
SETYANINGSIH, Lucky Wahyu Nuzulia et al. Karakteristik dan Aplikasi Selulosa Kulit Jagung Pada Pengembangan Hidrogel. Journal of Science and Applicative Technology, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 61-66, dec. 2020. ISSN 2581-0545. Available at: <https://journal.itera.ac.id/index.php/jsat/article/view/252>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.35472/jsat.v4i2.252.