Analisis Multi Kriteria Dalam Pengembangan Jalan Lintas Barat Sumatera (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Talang Padang, Provinsi Lampung )

  • Reza Asriandi Eka Putra Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Deni Fahrul Rifai Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Siti Rahma Institut Teknologi Sumatera


The western region of Lampung Province is connected by the West Intercity Highway which is an arterial road connecting the provinces. Previous evaluation shows that vehicle movement in This Intercity Road has been rapidly increasing, especially in the Talang Padang District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province. Consequently, This condition lead to a need for a feasibility study to develop several affordable scheme that able to provide an appropriate capacity for the traffic. The study was carried out by analyzing the existing road conditions for instance road geometric conditions and traffic which then can be the basis for determining the potential schemes. Hereafter, This study considering three schemes that are suitable for implementation process. Eventually, Through the analysis process, the selected scheme is Scheme 2: Short Trace Development (Alternative 1) with a road length of 2,437 km, with a planned budget of Rp. 62,696,345,276.00, land acquisition costs of Rp. 2,599,169,259.00. The scheme consists of three PI and one intersection. The scheme is feasible in economic and financial analysis, with a BCR value of 4,436, an NPV value of Rp228,662,274,282.00, and an IRR value of 17,7295%.


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How to Cite
EKA PUTRA, Reza Asriandi; RIFAI, Deni Fahrul; RAHMA, Siti. Analisis Multi Kriteria Dalam Pengembangan Jalan Lintas Barat Sumatera (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Talang Padang, Provinsi Lampung ). Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Design, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 14-20, july 2021. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024.

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